Monday, April 3, 2017

Review #7: The Movie: How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days

This movie is somewhat old ,it has been out for awhile ,and I am assuming a lot of people have seen it ,but I am also assuming that a lot of people have not seen it. I personally enjoy watching the movie every now and then when I find it on television ,because TV does not have much on nowadays. It is partly serious and partly humorous and I enjoy the fact that it is just a fun variety filled movie to watch every now and then. Although, it is a chick flick ,I think everyone should see it at least once because it has a good story line to it.

I think Kate's Hudson's character is inspiring for people who want to be writers and are passionate about what they write because that is how her character is. The name of her character is Andy ,and she plays it well. Andy is working for a company doing How To articles but she wants to do more with her writing. In the middle of all that she ends up helping her friend out and doing a article based on her problems with men ,and she ends up falling for the guy she dates to gain knowledge about what she is writing. I feel like any writer can relate to her character in some way.

On the other side, there is Matthew and his character in this movie is named Ben. Ben is doing the opposite of what Andy is trying to do ,and that is trying to get a women to fall in love with him in 10 days ,and between him trying to get her to fall in love with him ,and her trying to get him to break up with her ,it becomes a disaster that ends with a happy ending for both characters. I think this movie is inspiring in many ways ,and should be considered for a light hearted movie. I enjoy that it is not too serious of a movie because the world is too serious and I think it is refreshing to have something a little funny to enjoy watching once in awhile.

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