Sunday, September 24, 2017

Review #23: The Show: I Was Prey

I recently started watching this show on animal planet ,and it is a new show ,and I was watching the first season. I did not know what to except while watching it ,and I was not sure if I could handle it because a year ago I was attacked by a bull dog and I thought I might feel uncomfortable watching it ,but it was sort of like getting therapy for what happened to me because I could sort of relate to the people that were prey. I knew what they were going through ,although their situation might have been worse than mine and that is another thing that helped me to feel better about my situation. It made me realize that my situation being attacked could have been a lot worse ,but it was bad enough to leave scars unfortunately.

I thought watching this show would be harder than it was ,but it was not as bad as I thought ,even though it was graphic and it did give me some chills ,but I felt comfort in knowing that it was not their fault and if it was their fault ,it was a mistake ,and people make mistakes sometimes ,and it all depends on how you deal with it. I know those people survived and are back to living their lives as good as they can ,and it makes me remember to live my life and not dwell on being attacked by a bull dog and having scars. I have been trying to make the scars less noticeable ,and it is a work in progress. I wish I did not have scars as a reminder but I am trying to be comfortable with myself ,and be thankful I did not loose any body parts like some of the people in the show.

I love animals and I still love dogs even after being attacked ,but I am more cautious around them ,and I try not to do anything that might result in an another attack. The dog that attacked me was known to have aggression issues and the owner did not want to put it to sleep until it attacked me like it did. I guess I was trying to give the dog a chance to prove me wrong ,that it was not aggressive and mean like people said it was ,and I feel a little responsible for what happened but I learned my lesson. I think people in the show that were prey learned their lesson as well ,and probably regret what happened but are trying to make the best of it like I am today.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Review #22: The Movie: Titanic

I know most people have seen this movie or heard about it by now unless they were born sometime after the movie. When I saw this movie for the first time ,all I could think was that it was long. I feel like I was too young too understand that it was based on a true story. When I was watching the movie again when I was old enough to understand it and appreciate it ,I enjoyed watching it even though it is sad at the end. I think this is one movie that cannot be re-made because I think it should be classified as a classic ,and classic movies should not be re-made because the re-makes are never as good. I think they did a good job with this movie ,considering it is based on a true story. I cannot imagine the characters being played by anyone else.

I think this movie shows that life it short and you have to live it to the fullest. Live each day as if it could be your last ,because you never know what might happen. Also, it shows that you should not take the people around you for granted because you never know when they will be gone and you will not be able to see them or speak to them anymore. I have been on a cruise before and when I watch this movie all I can think is that I am glad that the ship did not sink ,because I do not know what I would have done. You never know how you will handle or react to situations until it happens.

This movie shows family ,and how family does not always get along ,and that nothing is always perfect even if it appears to be. The movie shows friendships and how friends are always there for each other no matter what. The movie shows love and how love can conquer all and sometimes it might appear as if people love each other but in reality it is not love. Sometimes those people do not realize they do not love each other until someone else comes into the picture and opens their mind to things that they have been keeping inside because they feel like they have to hide it. I think this movie shows how some people can negatively and positively effect us ,and it all depends on how we handle it or react to it that matters.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Review #21: The Movie: The Last Song

This movie was a book written by Nicholas Sparks and was transformed into a movie like most of his books are. I had a feeling I would like it because I like all of his books ,so I was hoping I would like the movie as well. I thought the movie was relatable because I could relate to it and I think other people who have seen it could too ,and even the people that have not seen it ,can probably relate to it. The characters in this movie deal with love, loss, secrets, and learning to care for wildlife. I feel like it also was about re-connecting with the people that you love even when you are trying to figure yourself out. Sometimes you just have to stop thinking about yourself and think about other people for a little while and then in the meantime you might find yourself.

I really enjoyed this story by Nicholas Sparks because it is realistic and it involves protecting sea turtles which I love. I love sea turtles and I think everyone should try to keep them safe and save them from extinction. I think sea turtles are relaxing creatures and there is something peaceful about them. It is also about caring for family when they need it most ,and being there for them even though it is hard on yourself. It is about showing the people you care about that you do care about them and love them. I think the characters in this story were all at the right place at the right time ,because everything seemed to have worked out for everyone of these characters.

I would recommend reading this book or watching the movie ,because it is not only a love story ,it is about many other things in life and that is what I like also about Nicholas Sparks ,his books always have love in them but there is always something more than just love and romance. I think anyone willing to watch it with an open mind should give it a try if they have not already. I think you will be pleasantly surprised by this movie ,because I think it is underestimated because of the actors and actresses that play in it.  

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Review #20: The Show: Gilmore Girls

Although, this show was on the air for many years ,I did not watch it until later on ,and not I cannot get enough of it. I am addicted to this show. It has become a comfort to watch because it is serious ,but light hearted at the same time. I know not everyone will like the show ,but that is ok ,because I know I like it ,and I enjoy watching it. I think enough people must like it because they brought it back on Netflix for four seasons which went pretty good. I feel like it was good but it was not as good as the original episodes. Some parts were better than others ,I just hope they continue to make more on Netflix ,because I want to know what happens ,and I think many other people want to know as well ,so I am hoping it happens. 

This show is enjoyable because it is about everything in life, from family, friends, relationships, business ,school ,money ,but it is all done with humor. I feel like anyone can like this show if they give it a chance and watch it with an open mind ,and not just judge it left and right. I feel like this movie shows a lot of family troubles and I feel like anyone can relate because no ones family is perfect ,and everyone has family troubles ,although the situations are probably all different. I also like that it is based in a small town because big cities are always busy and doing something ,and I feel like in bigger cities you cannot relax ,but in a small town everyone knows you ,and I do not know if that is a good thing or a bad thing ,but that is for individuals to decide.

To me, watching this show is a form of therapy ,because it does cover so many problems that people might face or have faced or are facing ,and people can relate to it ,even me. I feel like watching this show solves all of my problems because although they do show problems on the show ,the problems always get resolved and it inspires me to somehow resolve all of my problems. This show is positive most of the time ,because although there are conflict ,it is always light hearted and it always gets resolved. I feel like it is more positive than most shows ,because it seems like everything is so negative nowadays that people need something positive to watch instead of a bunch of negativity. I would recommend this show any day of the of the week.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Review #19: The Movie: The Notebook

The Notebook is based on a book ,by Nicholas Sparks. I know some people might not like his books or movies ,but that is ok because a lot of people do like them. I actually like this movie ,I did not think I would but the more that I watch it ,the more I understand it. I feel like it shows that love can stand the test of time no matter how bad things get between two people. I also feel like it show the kind of love that everyone wishes to have. If you love someone you will do anything to have them in your life even if it is years later. If you love somebody you will stand by them no matter what their health condition is ,and hope that they get better no matter hopeless it might seem.

I thought the movie was made well and is a good representation of the book. I think anyone who believes in love will want to watch this movie ,or maybe even the ones that want to believe in love. I think it does a good job at showing the timeline of events that happened in the movie. Anyone who has not seen this movie should give it a try because they might end up liking it. I think it inspires anyone to find love and not give up no matter what.

I think the actors and actresses did a good job at making this movie one of the best movies by Nicholas Sparks. I liked how the main characters ended up getting together in real life because it shows how strong their bond or connection was in the movie and in real life. I think this movie also shows that there is someone for everyone and it does not matter how busy you ,or how dysfunctional your family might be or if you two come from two different places. If two people love each other than nothing can stop them from being together even if they loose their way for awhile. I would compare this movie to the Titanic because I think they are similar in some ways. I feel like Noah saved Ally like Jack saved Rose in Titanic. I think any story lover will enjoy this movie if they give it a chance.