Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Review #20: The Show: Gilmore Girls

Although, this show was on the air for many years ,I did not watch it until later on ,and not I cannot get enough of it. I am addicted to this show. It has become a comfort to watch because it is serious ,but light hearted at the same time. I know not everyone will like the show ,but that is ok ,because I know I like it ,and I enjoy watching it. I think enough people must like it because they brought it back on Netflix for four seasons which went pretty good. I feel like it was good but it was not as good as the original episodes. Some parts were better than others ,I just hope they continue to make more on Netflix ,because I want to know what happens ,and I think many other people want to know as well ,so I am hoping it happens. 

This show is enjoyable because it is about everything in life, from family, friends, relationships, business ,school ,money ,but it is all done with humor. I feel like anyone can like this show if they give it a chance and watch it with an open mind ,and not just judge it left and right. I feel like this movie shows a lot of family troubles and I feel like anyone can relate because no ones family is perfect ,and everyone has family troubles ,although the situations are probably all different. I also like that it is based in a small town because big cities are always busy and doing something ,and I feel like in bigger cities you cannot relax ,but in a small town everyone knows you ,and I do not know if that is a good thing or a bad thing ,but that is for individuals to decide.

To me, watching this show is a form of therapy ,because it does cover so many problems that people might face or have faced or are facing ,and people can relate to it ,even me. I feel like watching this show solves all of my problems because although they do show problems on the show ,the problems always get resolved and it inspires me to somehow resolve all of my problems. This show is positive most of the time ,because although there are conflict ,it is always light hearted and it always gets resolved. I feel like it is more positive than most shows ,because it seems like everything is so negative nowadays that people need something positive to watch instead of a bunch of negativity. I would recommend this show any day of the of the week.

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